Saturday, December 25, 2010

Twenty Years for the Cum Laude

Last week I attended the launch of a book, "Mission is Possible". That's the title of the book that became 'main character' of this event. A book that was born from personal experience the author. The experience of Huda Misbahul in his national level printing business.

Not like the launch of the book in general. The launch of this time really seriously packed. Broadcast by JTV. Full of entertainment. No less than Suket puppeteer Slamet Gundono. Humorous puppeteer who each week to fill the column in Java Pos puppet with a pen name (nick name - admin) "Slametg".

I was invited with a simple task: to ask questions. As like the launch of the book, of course the event was also with discussion session. Answering questions about the contents of the book. Because packaging is designed show full appeal, the question must also be attractive. Mandatory interesting.

A pleasant request. Indeed, each join discussions, seminars, or any forum, I always oblige myself to ask interesting questions. Answering questions that spur creation. Questions that make the forum more lively. While in school too, I hold my strong a principle, a teacher or professor I will not let go of the front of the class unless I give a question.

After Mr. Huda describes his book, I was looking for ideas -I ask to my self- (add by admin) about an interesting question, then came an idea. During the event revealed that the author who invited me is the electronic scholar who graduated with honors UGM cum laude. His brain is 'very watery'/brilliant (very smart).

Interestingly, he always insists on a long learning process. Learning at a teacher as well as the Boss: Dahlan Iskan. Learning start from zero to twenty years ago to become managing director of PT Temprina Media Graphic and PT Adiprima. Each is a printing company and manufacturer of "Jawapos" group paper which has assets of Trillions with thousands of employees.

Twenty years? Yes. What were the results? Mr Huda said that he only dared to give the number 95 for his achievements. Not yet 100. Here's an interesting contradiction. A cum laude in electrical engineering from major universities in the country's most senior takes 20 years to capture the lessons from his teacher. The question is: who is 'dumb' the teachers or the students? Twenty years so?

Because the coincidence of the Master is also present as a discussant, this question is answered at once by both. Pupil-teacher at the same maniac "pecel Madiun". The answer is also very interesting. The student replied there are -fundamental- difference between learning theory (on campus) and learn to practice (building the company from zero to a national class/level). Quickly learn the theory, learn the practice of course is much slower. The Guru replied that he was the 'stupid'. He educates unstructured. Educate without methods as taught in faculties of education.

An enthusiastic readers, here is the process of raising a company. It took a long time. Even so long time. Nestle took 142 years to present Dancow, Nescafe, Carnation, Milk Cap Nona, and others like that you can enjoy today. Gerhard Philips took 118 years to meet the needs of various electric lamps for the citizens all around the world since starting his business in 1891 in Eindhoven Netherlands. Liem Seeng Tee It took 95 years to present Djie Sam Soe and A Mild since forging in Surabaya in 1913. Twenty years and tens or even hundreds of years with exceptional diligence and focus. Have you focus? Already how many years you have focus?

Iman Supriyono (
SNF Consulting managing partner

tranlated from bahasa indonesia by